License Details

The license details tab displays the contents of your license and its status on your computer.

The account information table lists your account number and login information. It lists three dates:

Note: A rental license is valid for one year after which it dies. A purchased license, on the other hand, is a perpetual license. You can use it without limitation but will not have access to program updates and technical support beyond the maintenance expiry date.

The table also lists the number of workstations (i.e. number of use simultaneous instances) contained in each license together with the number currently in use. Licenses used by you are shown in green.

The table on the right lists the modules included in your license, with PROKON Structural Analysis and Design at the top and the extensions for Autodesk software at the bottom. Modules that are part of an annual rental license are marked "R", and modules that are part of a purchase license is marked "P".

Refreshing your license details

The information displayed pertains to the moment you opened License Manager, or started or stopped using license. If there are multiple license users in your organisation, the information may become stale after a while. Pressings the refresh button bring the information up to date.

Ordering or renewing your license

Press the order now button if you license is due to expire (or has expired), if you want to add additional modules to your license, or if you want to increase the number of workstations. You will be taken to the Prokon WebOrder website where you can place your order. Payment options include credit card (immediate and automatic order processing), wire transfer and Internet banking funds transfer (South Africa only).

Once you order has been processed, press the refresh button to get the update version of your license from the Internet.

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